Go With The Good

We support young adults with Glioblastoma or an advanced brain tumor diagnosis and their immediate families with financial assistance and resources to focus on care, treatment, and quality of life.

Mission Statement

Go With The Good's mission is to provide financial assistance, information, and resources for young adults with advanced brain tumors to reduce financial hardship and relieve long-term economic distress so they can focus on care, treatment, recovery, and quality of life.


2023 Financial Aid Requests currently being accepted

We support young adults with a GBM or an advanced brain tumor diagnosis and their immediate families that meet the eligibility criteria for financial assistance (400% of the national poverty level in the United States).


Email hello@gowiththegood.org to request eligibility criteria and process.

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A critical piece of the GWTG motto is to ask for help, ask questions, and actively discover and utilize helpful resources. By next year, we will compile and provide supportive information and resources, some "good," so those impacted by advanced brain tumors.

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Thank you to everyone that helped us Gather for Good in 2024! 

We were able to provide 8 people living with a brain tumor, and their families, with financial aid and extra support during the holidays!


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According to the National Cancer Institute, brain cancer represents the highest per-patient initial cost of care and ongoing care, requiring a complex treatment plan that typically includes brain surgery, radiation, and specialty medicine.



Donating to Go With The Good will not eliminate financial hardship, but it can help alleviate some of the short-term and long-term hardships. Financial hardships in cancer patients may lead to worse healthcare outcomes, such as increased symptoms, lower quality of life, less satisfaction with care, and higher risk of dying.


Join Us

Gather together and do some good for patients and families affected by GBM or an advanced brain tumor diagnosis. Check out the "events" section and social media channels regularly.